Millions and millions and millions of dollars were spent on and during the Super Bowl. It is a national event. I both love it and hate it all at the same time. The former cheerleader/majorette in me loves the hype because for some odd reason it brings our nation together for one night. The conscientious-follower-of-Christ in me says, “What if we took all that money and used it to end human trafficking?” So my conflicted self watched, yelled at the television, enjoyed some homemade pizza, and relished time with my husband.
When it was all said and done (thank goodness, the game was hard to watch), and confetti snow filled the stadium, the Lombardi trophy was awarded, the game’s MVP proclaimed his trip to Disney World, and all the broadcasters bid their final adieu, one last scene said it all. I actually missed it, but thanks to the internet, saw it Monday morning.
Mike Morgan (#57), the Seattle Seahawks linebacker, joined players from the Denver Broncos in the greatest of all conversations: prayer. I have no idea what was said in that prayer-huddle-conversation-with-God, but the unity demonstrated between these two rivals was breathtaking.
In 1922, Author Matilda Andross wrote these beautiful words, “Prayer is more powerful than habits, heredity, and natural tendencies. It can overcome all these. It is more powerful than the forces that hold the planets in place. Prayer, though it comes from the heart of an unlearned child of God, can suspend the laws of the universe, if such be God’s will, just as the sun stood still when Joshua prayed. There is no other power on earth that the enemy of souls hates and fears as he does prayer. We are told that ‘Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.’
Her words really got to me:
- Prayer is more powerful than habits, heredity, and natural tendencies.
- Prayer can overcome any of these things.
- Prayer is more powerful than the forces that hold the planets in place.
- Prayer, even though it comes from the heart of an unlearned child of God, can suspend the laws of the universe, if God wills.
- Prayer scares the enemy of our souls.
I’ve always been taught that prayer is conversation with God. Talking and listening and waiting.
And the older I get, the more I realize that prayer is actually the greatest conversation of all.
Maybe you know this to be true in your life. Maybe you haven’t prayed in years. Maybe you’ve been praying for a long time for something or someone. Maybe, just maybe, you don’t know how to pray.
Whatever the case, I invite you to have a great conversation of your own. You and God.
It may be mighty uncomfortable at first, but just start talking. God doesn’t expect perfection.
Then, have eyes to see. God answers our prayers in so many ways. Sometimes he surprises us with something he knows we love. Sometimes, he uses a friend or even a stranger. Sometimes he says no, in the oddest of ways. And sometimes he says, “Yes!” When he does answer you, please share with us. It builds our faith.