When the going gets tough . . . the tough FALL TO THEIR KNEES!
When the going gets tough . . . our hearts must stay TENDER BEFORE GOD!
Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 29, The Potter and the Clay
As I shared on today’s fresh word, sometimes we need to reverse the aging process and become like a little child. This week, while on my morning walk, I stopped at the playground and took a swing. Now, that might sound really simple, but I am a confessed, rehabilitating workaholic overachiever. OR at least, through the years, have conditioned myself to “think” I am. But, now, I am “de-conditioning” and intentionally “re-conditioning” myself to play more. Take more time to chill. Take brain breaks.
While in London, I experienced one such “brain break.” Here are a few pics I would love to share with you. Sitting in my daughter’s writing class made my brain actually “feel” 50 pounds lighter. It was remarkable. I know the lyrical British accents helped, but just sitting, and not teaching, in a writing class enabled me to remember why I love to write. We discussed haiku and practiced writing our own haiku. IT was lovely.
Haiku defined:
Haiku is a poetic form and a type of poetry from the Japanese culture. Haiku combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form. Haiku poets write about everyday things. Many themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. Usually they use simple words and grammar. The most common form for Haiku is three short lines:
- The first line usually contains five (5) syllables
- The second line seven (7) syllables
- the third line contains five (5) syllables.Haiku doesn’t rhyme. A Haiku must “paint” a mental image in the reader’s mind. This is the challenge of Haiku – to put the poem’s meaning and imagery in the reader’s mind in ONLY 17 syllables over just three (3) lines of poetry!
Check out my website for more pics of my time with the ladies writing class!