
George Frederic Watts, Hope

While wandering through the Tate Britain Museum in London, my daughter happened upon this incredible piece of artwork by George Frederic Watts, entitled Hope. One of her favorite Biblical studies has been on HOPE, so this picture brought HOPE to life. She scribbled madly the description under the picture:

“Traditionally, hope is identified by an anchor.
Watts wanted to find a more original approach to 
Hope’s symbolism and allegory. So, he blindfolded this woman
(perhaps symbolizing the desperate condition
one finds themselves in when they need Hope),
seated her on top of a globe (symbolizing the global need for Hope),
and had her playing a lyre with all strings broken but one.
This one string suggests the music that
can still come from the remaining chord.” 

The music that can still come from the remaining chord. What one remaining chord do you have left today? Find the strength to strum that chord. God will bring music from it and restore your situation. Psalm 62:5-6 says, “Find rest, my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock. He is my fortress. I will not be shaken.”

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