“Remember what Vinoth Ramachandra said. In the religions of the surrounding cultures, the gods identified particularly with the kings and others at the top of society. It made sense—the rich could build the gods magnificent temples and give sumptuous offerings. Why wouldn’t they be considered the favorites of the gods? But the Biblical God is not like that at all. He does not call everyone to bring sacrifices of the same kind and value, for that would have automatically make it easier for the rich to please God. Instead, God directs that each person should bring what they can, and if their heart is right, that will give them access to his grace. For indeed, grace is the key to it all. It is not our lavish good deeds that procure salvation,
but God’s lavish love and mercy.”
-Timothy Keller, Generous Justice
I love this quote. It imbues the essence of giving. On Saturday, March 5 2011, women will gather to give—each according to the measure they have been given (Luke 6:38). I know life gets crazy busy, so IF by chance you can’t attend this special event, you can still help women and children by dropping off needed supplies for THE GENIEVE SHELTER. They are in need of:
- Laundry detergent
- Dish detergent
- Bath tub cleaner
- Windex
- Tall kitchen trash bags
- Toilet paper
- Gift cards from Wal-Mart for gas
Genieve Shelter always needs CHILDCARE assistance for the women while they are going on job interviews. This takes place at the Genieve Shelter office in Suffolk. Call Marleisa Montgomery, 925-4365, if you can help out in any way!
DROP OFF SIGHT FOR SUPPLIES: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 11-2pm
Hilton Garden Inn, North Suffolk (Harborview)
For more information, http://thegatheringfreedomfromfearevent.eventbrite.com/