Lessons from a Jellyfish!

“The Devil’s brain is prolific with plans. He has many ways of doing many things. Perhaps he has many ways of doing each thing. With him nothing is stereotyped. He never runs in ruts. Fruitful, diverse, and ever fresh is his way of doing things. Indirect,...

Toes in the Water

“Our everyday environment seduces, taunts, and rages against the Christ-life within us. Without concentrated, deliberate action on our part to nourish our spiritual life, the oncoming tide wears away the undergirding foundation of our faith. To stanch the flow,...

What would you call your beach retreat?

“Every sunset creates a new dawn.”  For over twenty years, my husband and I have been coming to the OUTER BANKS of North Carolina for rest and recovery. One of our favorite things to do is to look at the signs posted in front of beach houses. You know, the...

Because one graduation isn’t enough . . .

  Wow! Wasn’t prepared for the powerful emotion of two children graduating at once. In my mind, I knew I had twins graduating high school, but my heart was completely taken off guard. Seeing them standing side-by-side, in cap and gown, opened a deep well of...

One down, Two to go!

Graduation day is tough for adults.  They go to the ceremony as parents.  They come home as contemporaries.  After twenty-two years of child-raising, they are unemployed.  ~Erma Bombeck I love Erma Bombeck’s sense of humor. And, the truth in between the humor....

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