Oct 31, 2014 | Achalasia, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, The Waiting Room, Trust in God, Waiting
It is in the arena of feelings that most of us get tossed around unwittingly. Sometimes feelings (especially those we label as ‘negative’) can be so powerful that we let them rule our lives. We tend to resist and push away the feelings we don’t want...
Sep 28, 2014 | Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Other, Vision
“The Secret Garden was what Mary called it when she was thinking of it. She liked the name, and she liked still more the feeling that when its beautiful old walls shut her in no one knew where she was. It seemed almost like being shut out of the world in some fairy...
Sep 11, 2014 | Empty Nest, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Other, Strength for Hard Times, Trust in God
Remembering 911. “First came the boom―the loud, deep, unapologetic bellow that seemed to erupt from the very core of the earth. Eerily, the majestic high-rise slowly leaned to the south. On the seventy-eighth floor of the World Trade Center’s north tower,...
Aug 19, 2014 | Achalasia, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, Prayer
When Solitude and Speed Collide This morning as I sat in the waiting room of my doctor, I felt two worlds collide: the world of solitude I just left (OBX) and the world of speed in which I live. As you know, I really didn’t want to leave the covering of my...
Aug 1, 2014 | Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Other, Prayer
The Art of Shedding “One learns first of all in beach living the art of shedding; how little one can get along with, not how much. Physical shedding to begin with, which then mysteriously spreads into other fields. Clothes, first. Of course, one needs less in...
Jul 31, 2014 | Other, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Identity, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, Prayer, The Waiting Room, Vision, Waiting
A Gift from the Sea: A More Peaceful Tempo In the 50th anniversary edition of Gift from the Sea, Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of author Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writes: “At whatever point one opens Gift from the Sea, to any chapter or any page, the author’s...