Mar 30, 2021 | Blog, Community, Conversation, Faith
*Taken from the Archives, Holy Week 2012, written some nine years ago, the words seem so fitting. I could never have imagined the forthcoming “COVID-19” pandemic. The global trauma that took the life of my own 92-year old mother (August 2020). This Tuesday...
Mar 21, 2021 | Achalasia, Devotions, Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
*Visiting the Archives this Holy Week, as I really needed to hear these messages again. I pray they bless you, too. Every time you see an * you’ll know I’m updating with thoughts I’m experiencing here in Holy Week 2021. This is what I love about life...
Mar 29, 2018 | Blog, Bible Study, Devotions, Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
James Tissot, A Holy Woman Wipes Jesus’s Face Fact or fable? Does it matter to me today? I confess not. Tissot reminds me this Holy Maundy Thursday to help others in their time of desperate need. We belong to one another. One grand universal family who one day...
Mar 28, 2018 | Blog, Faith, Motherhood, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
While the Bible does not tell us who the wife of Pilate the governor was, the Apocryphal book, The Gospel of Nicodemus, identifies her as Claudia Procula, and a granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus. The book also says that she was a proselyte to Judaism, being among...
Mar 27, 2018 | Blog, Community, Conversation, Faith
-Taken from the Archives, Lenten Thoughts from 2012. My Lenten Haiku: Lent strips the self bare A slow steady pace forward Fresh starts and clean slates I woke up yesterday morning before dawn. Primarily because my husband had to be at work very early. Usually, his...
Apr 10, 2017 | Faith, Community, Conversation
-Taken from the Archives, Lenten Thoughts from 2012. My Lenten Haiku: Lent strips the self bare A slow steady pace forward Fresh starts and clean slates I woke up yesterday morning before dawn. Primarily because my husband had to be at work very early. Usually, his...