“Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.”
-Psalm 115:3, NIV

It is Election Day and I, for one, am extremely grateful that I know God is control. It may not always look like He is, but believe me, He is. As I stood in the election line today waiting my turn to exercise my right to vote, I kept thinking of Psalm 115:3 and found myself continually turning my thoughts to pray, “God, have mercy on our country.”

As I returned home, I flipped on the TV before heading over to the hospital to visit my Mom, who is recovering and rehabilitating from brain surgery. Right as I turned it on, NBC’s “The Today Show” was rebroadcasting Jimmy Fallon’s, “If Puppies Could Vote.” Oh my goodness….what is cuter than a puppy golden retriever? In light of a very serious subject, little “Gary” brought some much needed levity. If you haven’t seen it, here you go:



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