More than 80% of married men and women report dealing with some form of sexual struggle in the marriage.”
Married Sex, Gary Thomas and Debra Fileta
Reimagining Your Love Life
Yes, Heartlifters, we’re talking about sex on this week’s podcast.
Years ago, I spoke and shared at a young women’s conference on the grounds of my alma mater.
After each session, lines of young women formed.
They wanted prayer. They wanted to share their pain.
One after another shared stories of sexual violation.
I tried to remain composed on the outside, all while dying on the inside.
Their blinding tears wrecked me.
These were young women who had been raised in faith communities.
I don’t know what I was thinking. I vowed never to do this. I said no and yet he continued.
I came home with a burning desire to both speak and write about this oft-neglected subject matter, but honestly, I chickened out. I did submit a book proposal entitled, Snow White’s Little Secret, but after one rejection, I quit. With three teens of my own at the time, I decided I better navigate these waters at home before trying to educate anyone else.
Meet Author Gary Thomas
Now, some 13 years later, I find myself sitting with many women and often many couples, talking about sex.
After all, stats show that 80% of all married men and women report dealing with some form of sexual struggle in their marriages.
To help us decrease that statistic, I welcomed best-selling author, Gary Thomas, on the show. In his newest book, Married Sex: A Christian Couple’s Guide to Reimagining Your Love Life, Gary, and co-author Debra Fileta, talk about an oft-taboo topic within the faith community. A sampling of chapter titles tells you they are not being shy about the subject:
- Sexpectations
- Your Body is a Wonderland
- Above the Sheets
- Sacred Simmering
- Shades of Gray
- The Five Senses of Sex
Heartlifters, I so wanted to bring Gary to our community to help us learn and grow in this very important area of our marriages.
True intimacy is God’s greatest gift to us.
May this episode help you and yours reimagine your love life.

Meet Gary Thomas
Here on Episode 6 of Season 8 of “Today’s Heartlift with Janell,” we open another worthy conversation that helps us broach an oft-taboo subject within the faith community: sex.

One of the highlights of our conversation was Gary’s Five Blocks to Bedroom Intimacy:

Episode Shownotes
- Meet Gary and follow him on Instagram.
- Watch Gary Thomas on Focus on the Family
- Order your own copy of “Married Sex.”
- Visit Gary’s website and download sample chapters from his library of books.
- Learn more about secure attachment in “Stronger Every Day: 9 Tools for an Emotionally Healthy You.”
Watch Gary & Janell’s Conversation
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