Maundy Thursday: Praying for those in agony.

“Over two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ shared the Last Supper with his disciples. And as Christ shared his final meal, let us remember that the Son of God also shared His own body and blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the...

FreshStartFriday from London, Take 2

Greetings from Jolly Ole’ London! Please have patience with my self-made IPhone Video — I’m learning, but really wanted to connect as we are moving forward on our Lenten Reflection Journey! I am thinking of you all and praying that the emotional...

Fresh Start Friday: Every Thought Captive

Happy Fresh Start Friday! I’m off to South Carolina to speak to the incredible women of New Prospect Baptist Church! After months of prep, it is finally here! We’re five weeks into our Lenten Reflection: Losing Emotional Weight. This week’s focus, 2...

Fresh Start Friday, Save it for Saturday: Meditation

“Meditation is a middle sort of duty between the word and prayer, and that respect to both. The word feedeth upon meditation, and meditation upon prayer. These duties must always go hand in hand; meditation must follow hearing and precede prayer. To hear and not...

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