Aug 1, 2015 | Blog, Faith, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
The people who are experiencing the most pain tend to be the ones who are always trying to make everyone smile” (Kushandwizdom). When You Wake Up in Pain Some days are better than others. But today, not one of the “better ones.” Not only did my...
Apr 4, 2015 | Bible Study, Devotions, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Other, Practicing Love, Prayer, Trust in God, Waiting
The gifts of the Master are these: freedom, life, hope, new direction, transformation, and intimacy with God. If the cross was the end of the story, we would have no hope. But the cross isn’t the end. Jesus didn’t escape from death; he conquered it and...
Apr 2, 2015 | Bible Study, Devotions, Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
James Tissot, A Holy Woman Wipes Jesus’s Face Fact or fable? Does it matter to me today? I confess not. Tissot reminds me this Holy Maundy Thursday to help others in their time of desperate need. We belong to one another. One grand universal family who one day...
Apr 1, 2015 | Other, Bible Study, Devotions, Faith, Marriage and Family, Motherhood, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
I’ve heard this story so many times, yet never focused on Pilate’s wife and the incredible dream she was given by God. This dream became a critical part of the Holy Week narrative. One woman’s dream changed everything. Click To Tweet Only Matthew...
Mar 22, 2015 | Bible Study, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Other, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
“Mankind’s greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are...
Feb 4, 2015 | Achalasia, Community, Faith, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, Trust in God
With Barbara’s permission, I snapped a hospital selfie. Couldn’t resist the high fashion hospital gown look. C’mon…we’re rocking the look, right? Sometimes we all need a push. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like...