The people who are experiencing the most pain tend to be the ones who are always trying to make everyone smile” (Kushandwizdom).
When You Wake Up in Pain
Some days are better than others.
But today, not one of the “better ones.”
Not only did my darlin’ 6,5″ baby boy drive away, once again, to his new home in Kansas, causing this momma some “heart” pain, I woke up in some serious pain—a major crick in the neck and my lovely Spondylolisthesis (yes, sarcasm added), which has decided to rear its very mean, ugly head the last eight weeks or so.
After Grant drove away at 6:02am, I tried to go back to sleep. Wasn’t happening.
So, I decided to don the walking shoes and greet the dawn with some prayer and love.
Let’s walk this pain away, I thought.
With each step, I opened my eyes to see the beauty around me. The sun was awakening it’s golden eyes and the air kissed my cheek with its fresh wisdom. Morning has broken. Everything is new.
The walk helped.
Next stop, some easy stretching and some Bible reading (Isaiah 48, to be exact—just felt a little nudge to read through that chapter). Verse 17 stood out:
This is what the Lord says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
‘I am the Lord your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.’
Hmmm….what is this word saying, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you”? I’ll be thinking on this for a few days.
The stretching and reading and thinking helped.
What Helped Me Most of All
But, a little while later, while reconciling my checkbook and organizing this week’s “thoughts” by putting them in my journal, I found even greater help.
After following a link I had noted earlier in the week, I collected strength:
Between the choreography (oh the dancer in me) and the powerful message and the incredible joy oozing through the screen, I felt better.
That video led me to yet one more:
How Do You Manage Your Pain?
Music always calms and heals and settles my soul.
It adds strength.
It makes me forget about my pain.
What makes you forget about your pain?
We’d sure love to hear all about how you collect strength, which in turn enables you to manage the painful circumstances of life.