As dawn breaks, we often seek a ritual to anchor our intentions for the day ahead. Setting positive intentions before stepping out into the world imbues each interaction with love and light. Listen as I recount my morning ritual, inspiring you to use your breath to channel inspiration and breathe out life’s pressures. And, as our reach should always exceed our grasp, I invite you to join the chorus of voices in our community by connecting on Instagram, subscribing to our channels, and enriching our dialogue with your reviews. Together, let’s continue our pursuit of that which lies just beyond—love and light.
Listen to Cultivating Tranquility & Audio Meditation “A Tap on the Shoulder”
Q: How Do I Begin Practicing Breath Prayer?
This week’s podcast prompts:
After listening to both episodes:
- How did your heart receive my “first draft” audio meditation, “A Tap on the Shoulder?” Please leave your comments here or over on our Substack page. Just click here to begin your free subscription.
- Have you ever practiced “Breath Prayer,” and if not, what are your thoughts? Give it a try and let me know.
Sharing My Prompt Thoughts
I sat in my new meditation space and thought, “Why did this take me so long?”
The luminous glow from my electric candles warmed my heart, mind, and body.
I exhaled deeply.
Your Turn
Okay, it is your turn to share.
Meet me on Instagram: @janellrardon, and comment on my posts concerning our conversation.
Order “Stronger Every Day: 9 Tools for an Emotionally Healthy You” and learn nine ways to strengthen your relationship with God, yourself, and others.
And please join me on Substack: