Making home & family
the safest place on earth.
Heartlift International is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. More specifically, Heartlift International is dedicated to educating, empowering, and equipping men, women, and children to integrate the three-fold cord of emotional, relational, and spiritual health into their family systems. When families are healthy, home and family is the safest place on earth.
Bring Heartlift International to Your Church!
In Development:
Heartlift Practitioner
Certification Program
The words of Author Mary Farrar serve as the prophetic footing of Heartlift International. She writes, “Amazing what a crisis will reveal about the hidden character of a nation—or an individual. Values surface quickly in the middle of a crisis, don’t they? Whether we realize it or not, the critical choices we make in times of crisis can become matters of life and death. I submit to you there is nothing in this world more important than our homes, our marriages, and our children. There is not one ministry or job or accomplishment or calling that is more important…The family is not just an arm or a finger. It is the very heart. And everyone knows if you have a bad heart, you are in serious trouble.” Heartlift International is in the development phase of a Heartlift Practitioner Certification Program. Stay tuned!
Heartlift International operates as a program under the fiscal sponsorship of Women’s Nonprofit Alliance, an official 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit parent organization, and our leadership adheres to their Statement of Faith. As an alliance partner of WomensNPA, we are able to accept tax-deductible donations. All online donations may appear on your bank statement as “Women’s Nonprofit Alliance,” however funds are directly credited to Heartlift International.
The Vision
- Publish content that helps families journey from broken and beaten down to blessed and beautiful via books, blog, curriculum, videos, and weekly podcasts.
- Educate men, women, children and church families how to integrate faith + mental health practices via webinars, conferences, seminars, or workshops.
- Train families in spiritual practices that increase emotional and mental health + help establish strong, secure attachment within the family system.
- Offer scholarships for trauma-informed counseling, coaching, and spiritual direction via The Heartlift Method.
- Develop a certification program for training professional heartlifters in The Heartlift Method, who serve within faith communities as mental health first responders for families in need.
Meet our Donors.
Adverse childhood experiences have far-reaching affects in our adult lives. Our donors know personally the power of a heartlift and want to give back. Author Glenn Shiraldi, PhD, writes, “Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are at the root of nearly all mental health disorders. Memories associated with ACEs imprint on a child’s brain, and can manifest themselves mentally and physically throughout adulthood.” Every donation given affords scholarships for those needing trauma-informed, faith-based, coaching intensives and provides support for creating remarkable resources to inform, inspire, and increase emotional health and spiritual growth.
Jan Linman Brewer
When Janell shared with me her mother’s last words to her, “Keep helping all the ladies, Janell. They need you,” I knew I wanted to help her do that. I know the power of a heartlift and only wish my own mother had been able to experience one herself.”
I’ve been praying for the day Heartlift International launched. It is finally here. I have experienced the power of a heartlift and can only hope thousands and thousands of families will be able to do so, too. As someone who experienced childhood trauma and upheaval, I want every one to feel the freedom I have experienced.
Help Families Build Emotionally Strong, Safe, & Secure Homes.
It is our number one priority to help parents make home and family the safest, most emotionally safe and secure place to be. Donations of any size help us do the work we are called to do.
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