“Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them—work, family, health, friends, and spirit—and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls—family, health, friends, and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,
nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same.
You must understand that and strive for balance in your life”
(Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises from 1959-1994).
“Love is, after all, the gift of oneself.”
As I wander about today making final preparations for Grant’s departure tomorrow morning, I find myself nostalgic. It happens. In the scurry of children leaving the nest, sometimes the mother gets all the attention. But, a few weeks back, a dear friend mentioned that I remember Rob in all this change. He’s feeling the pain, too, Janell. It may not look like it, but he is, trust me. Her words awakened a part of me that honestly was sleeping. Rob seems to handle everything so well, but I know he, too, is feeling the strain of all this. The last three Mondays, he has taken each of the children out to lunch. To talk. To say good bye. To offer some final words of support and advice, I’m sure. That is their time. I haven’t asked what took place. I have just prayed that it would be meaningful.
When I found the above quote, I thought of my husband. For the past 24 years (we just celebrated our 24th anniversary on Aug. 4), Rob has been juggling five balls, sometimes more than that I am sure. But, one thing has remained constant. . .he has always acknowledged that work is a rubber ball. So many times, he has contemplated expanding his business. Opening secondary stores. Enlarging. But, each time, we prayed and concluded that more is not always better. He knew that taking such steps would mean time away from home. Time away from fishing with Grant. Time away from playing in the yard. Time away from being on the sidelines or in the audience. Time away from being present and accounted for—even when it seems your presence doesn’t matter. He knew his faith, family, friends and physical presence/health were to be held closely with great care.
Today, I am grateful for Rob. For the way he has held the hand of our family—leading us with integrity and purpose. Take just a minute today to pray for your husband. To thank God for His love and leadership. If perhaps he is struggling with the juggling in his life, pray even more. God is faithful. For more insight and ideas on this, check out http://www.reviveourhearts.com/ with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I’ve been downloading her MP3 Podcasts and find them to be challenging and inspiring.
We waited patiently that day, June 15, 1990, as you, Janell labored away. Carrying twins was certainly a feat in itself, and giving birth to them…well…you know. Rob was so happy to tell us he had another little girl. Then, a few minutes later, he came bouncing out like a super ball….”It’s a boy! It’s a boy!” The man-child got 2 announcements. Was this a point of pride for Rob? Not at all. It was an opportunity to have a little man to raise, to disciple. Yes, he had gained a fishing buddy and a golf partner, but more than that……he had a special soul to minister to that might change the course of history in ways that only a man can. He knew that you, Janell would have a direct influence on the girls that would grow stronger as the girls got older. This, though, was Rob’s opportunity to share in the making of a man.
To God be the glory. Rob is a man among men. He has shouldered many burdens and allowed his ministry mate to have some ministries on her own. He is a giver, not a taker. I have said it before, Rob Rardon is a man after God’s own heart. No doubt, he has done a good and faithful job with his whole family….and a particularly wonderful job in the life of Grant….Grant, also know to me as “Power”.
Enjoy the day. I am thrilled you are getting to go on your trip. What a joy to be together with Rob, alone. Bask in God’s goodness.
Love, Sherri
Oh, Sherri. You do have a way with words. An opportunity to share in the making of a man. Wow. That took my breath away. To hear it said so plainly, so poetically. All I can pray tonight, on the eve of my last Tuesday in August, is that God’s hand continue to move and mold Grant Rardon. I listened to Tony Campolo preach to the students at Gordon College (on an MP3 Podcast from Gordon College) about rethinking the true meaning of servanthood in Christ. It compelled me to pray more fervantly for my son and for all the students, once again, leaving for college campuses all over America. In this election year, may the SPIRIT move each and every one of them to STAND TALL in the Spirit of God. Lots and lots of love to you!