(To see the jump, janellrardon.com)
I’ve been called crazy, passionate, wild, and so much more, but that’s ok! As I watched Chris Martin of Coldplay this morning (The Today Show), I thought, “Why can’t I have a job where I can twirl, swirl, jump up and down, sing, dance, and make others forget their problems?” Right away, I thought of King David as he leapt and danced before the Lord (2 Samuel 6:14), wearing only a linen ephod. To be accurate, it is recorded that he “danced with all his might.”
I can’t help but ask myself today, “When is the last time you did anything with all your might, Janell?” Might, or oz (Hebrew translation), meaning, “might, strength—material, physical, social, political, or political.”
Yet another word comes to mind, as well: abandon. Two specific definitions rise to the top:
- to give up the control of.
- to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself)
over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to abandon oneself to grief.
This past weekend, I was privileged to speak to a great group of women in McPherson, KS. Our topic: Just Imagine! With great joy, we discussed the possibilities of life. Dreamed of “what if’s” and “why not’s” and “taking the lid off our lives.” As we opened our time together, we read Ephesians 3:20:
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Key: more than
More meaning, “beyond, over, in behalf of, for the sake of”
Our time together reminded each one of us that God, our Father, is on our side. He delights in doing “more than” in our lives. As we abandon every little aspect of our lives (giving up our false sense of CONTROL), God then has ROOM TO MOVE. That’s it, my #2 in 52 Weeks, 52 Changes. I’m giving God ROOM TO MOVE in my life. What does that mean exactly? Simply:
- falling to my knees in complete surrender
- offering, with open hands, the day before me.
- trusting God to lead, guide, support, equip, and steward my time, talent, and treasures for HIS glory.
- believing for open doors, locked doors, and wisdom to know the difference.
I’m thinking giving God room to move is as scary as jumping out of a moving airplane from 15,000 ft. Scared doesn’t even begin
to describe that moment when your feet are dangling over the edge of the plane. BUT, the end result was complete exhilaration at
doing something I couldn’t imagine doing.
Will you join me in making room for God to move? We’re in this together—tandem trusting God. Ready to jump. On the count of three . . .
One . . . Two . . . Three!
Amen Sister! 🙂 This is my life theme question based on the prayer in Ephesians 3. What if we lived life every day – our life,in our neighborhood WITHOUT limiting God, WITH abandon? Our world would be a different place. So today I’m asking myself what am I holding back right now?