Little did I know that the path to my Masters Degree would be so self-actualizing, meaning, drive me to scrutinize my core and examine my sense of self, God-given personality and capabilities, mental boundaries, and so much more, all in the light of God’s Word. It has been an amazing, pain-staking-at-times journey. Yes, it took me by surprise, but I am deeply grateful for the experience. In my last class, my final research paper tackled the abysmal subject of oppression and women, entitled,“A Voice for the Voiceless.” In response, I felt even more compelled to begin taking this conversation to other women.
Don’t get me wrong. On a deep level, I’ve been avoiding this project. Why? Because in order to get to the bottom of the issue, we’re going to look at some ugly truths: jealousy, comparison, competition, insecurity, inferiority, backstabbing, strong personalities who like to control, etc. BUT, after living through the oppressive spirits, a newfound freedom in Christ comes that far outweighs the latter. Once the noose of oppression was lifted off my head, WOW! The resuscitating power of God gave me new breath. In fact, I actually found myself starting to “skip” in my church sanctuary last Sunday. I caught myself.
“Janell, stop skipping. What on earth are you doing?” I laughed. And then, I did it anyway. Yep, skipped about five or six steps. And, then, I giggled. A real little-girl-can’t-keep-me-from-doing-it giggle. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. After a very long valley of oppression, I didn’t think I’d ever feel that way again. Ah, the grace and truth that Jesus Christ brings. I want millions of women to start skipping and smiling like never before. Don’t you?
This morning on CBS, I listened to a vibrant, well-spoken young man discourse on “losing religion” and “loving Jesus.” He debated a priest. Worth watching. One line pierced me. Right in the middle he expounds, “I want that man.” All I could hear was, “I want that woman.” Ladies, Jesus wants you. Maybe you’ve been hurt by other women and decided, “Church isn’t for me. I’ve had enough.” Please know this: Jesus wants you. Come back to HIM and HE will lead you to a community of faith where you can flourish. Trust me. It is possible.
So, take a few and listen to this spoken word “performance,” for lack of a better description. Drink in the truth. And, then, will you share your story? For even greater understanding of what I’m looking for, go to
Janelle, How happy I was to read that you were skipping with joy in the sanctuary. Amen, Sister and I hear ya! Thanks for sharing the great video. Wow, is that powerful. And true. I have a zillion things to talk to you about…well, at least 5 or 6. Let’s get together soon. Love the blog!
Skipping indeed. It bubbled up inside and I felt like I was in a preschool creative movement class again. Not kidding.
Joy is even sweeter after a long walk in the desert, isn’t it? We serve a very real ABBA FATHER who really knows best.
So thankful and yes, let’s talk soon. Just let me know. Here’s to joy!