Facing the truth about ourselves is a threatening and tough assignment.
It’s far easier to live in denial and just go with life as it is.
But the first step to knowing which path of life to take is to
look honestly at ourselves and at what brought us to where we are.
This kind of truth sets the stage for us to be set free–free to know
God’s peace deep in our souls, free to mature into all that God wants for us,
free to embrace all life holds for us, and
free to love and be loved again.”
Dr. Tim Clinton & Dr. Gary Sibcy, “Why You Do the Things You Do”

Short and simple word today: Take the step(s) and put it (them) away.
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:8-9 (NLV)
Note: “But now is the time to get rid of….”

For several months now, a little voice keeps whispering in my spirit,
Janell, take the necessary steps, go ahead, right now, and put it away.

As I would look at something on a counter,
or on the living room table, or in my office,
or on my bedroom dresser (which is the catch all), I’d here that voice.
Focus. Put it away. What is it? A couple extra steps.
Pick up the pants, get a hanger, put it in the closet.

It’s a tiny practice that brings HUGE results.
The decrease of physical clutter somehow decreases the mental clutter.

So, today’s CHANGE is simply to “put it away.”
Taking it one step further (no pun intended), I believe wholeheartedly
that this speaks to our spiritual & emotional lives as well.
What do you need to “take one step and put it away” on these two levels?
For me, it was the pain of a broken relationship. I’ve been subconsciously
holding on to deep shame & regret. But, by God’s grace, yesterday he made
me hit it head on. He said, “Take one step and put it away.”
Close the book on that. It is under my blood.
So, I did just that. I took one step to my prayer closet, which was
my beautiful backyard retreat, and put it away–right into Jesus’s hands.

Oh, what a feeling.
Let me encourage you today to do the same.
The Holy Spirit will guide you. That’s what he does.
Let him.

Freedom is waiting on the other side.


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