Beautifying Your Work Place
Winter has definitely been hard on this work-in-your-home girl. The walls seem to close in on me. For this reason, I started my whole “Have Eyes to See,” challenge. If I don’t find little things to bring light into my daily routine, I often find myself getting, well, a little down. Depressed. Hum-drum. Especially because I work at home. There is no change in scenery. I have to create it. Usually I take a walk and almost always, a snapshot of beauty finds me.
Adding a Little Twist to our “Snapshot of Beauty” Challenge
In light of our recent “Have Eyes to See” campaign, I’d like to add a little twist this week.
How do you beautify your work place? I’ll be posting ways I do this, so please take a moment and share yours.
Just upload a quick photo to and I’ll do the rest!