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The Afternoon Knows: The Importance of Being Still

Solitude is the soil in which genius is planted, creativity grows, and legends bloom; faith in oneself is the rain that cultivates a hero to endure the storm, and bare the genesis of a new world, a new forest. -Mike Norton “Still water or sparkling?” asked...

The Afternoon Knows: Everybody needs rest.

Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge. -Eckhart Tolle I realized this morning that the timeline of these “The Afternoon Knows” blogs is definitely not...
The Afternoon Knows: It’s Okay to Fall Apart

The Afternoon Knows: It’s Okay to Fall Apart

“The afternoon knows what the morning never thought of.” Robert Frost The Afternoon Knows “Fall apart” is something I don’t like to do. Saying “I need help,” or the word, “limitation,” just doesn’t flow out...

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