Earth Awaits Resurrection

Earth Awaits Resurrection

Visiting the Blog Archives, Today, on Holy Saturday Here we are, Holy Saturday. Historically known as “Easter Eve” or “Black Saturday,” this day is commemorated as the day Jesus’s body was laid in the tomb. Even though resurrection has...
Lent Strips the Self Bare

Lent Strips the Self Bare

-Taken from the Archives, Lenten Thoughts from 2012. My Lenten Haiku: Lent strips the self bare A slow steady pace forward Fresh starts and clean slates I woke up yesterday morning before dawn. Primarily because my husband had to be at work very early. Usually, his...
Lent Strips the Self Bare

Holy Week 2017

-Taken from the Archives, Lenten Thoughts from 2012. My Lenten Haiku: Lent strips the self bare A slow steady pace forward Fresh starts and clean slates I woke up yesterday morning before dawn. Primarily because my husband had to be at work very early. Usually, his...
What do Hemingway, Pythagoras and the Apostle Paul Have in Common?

What do Hemingway, Pythagoras and the Apostle Paul Have in Common?

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” -Ernest Hemingway What do Hemingway, Pythagoras, and Paul Have in Common? Ernest Hemingway gets the credit for one of my new favorite quotes, ““The world breaks everyone, and...

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