Feb 19, 2016 | Achalasia, Be Remarkable eCourse, Bible Study, Blog, emotional health and wellbeing, Faith, Other, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Strength for Hard Times
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” -Ernest Hemingway What do Hemingway, Pythagoras, and Paul Have in Common? Ernest Hemingway gets the credit for one of my new favorite quotes, ““The world breaks everyone, and...
Jan 28, 2016 | Other, Be Remarkable eCourse, Bible Study, Blog, Conversation, Spiritual Formation, Strength for Hard Times, The 12 Practices
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck Bewildered by the Beloved Siblings, Joy and Sorrow I can’t stop thinking about our conversation last week: Why We Need Winter’s Wisdom. Maybe it is the...
Jan 7, 2016 | Be Remarkable eCourse, Blog, emotional health and wellbeing, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, The 12 Practices
The day I was given a new name: Makena, Kikuyu (Kenya) for “Full of joy; The Happy One.” The single most effective way to turbocharge your joy is to make a gratitude visit. That means writing a testimonial thanking a teacher, pastor or grandparent—anyone...
Oct 4, 2015 | Be Remarkable eCourse, Be Remarkable eCourse, Blog, eCourse, emotional health and wellbeing, Other, Practicing Love, Spiritual Formation
Sometimes practicing kindness is hard work. I’m not proud of me right now. Not 30 minutes out of a fabulous, challenging, life-giving church service, I found myself in Walmart wanting to be mean. There, I said it. Put me in the corner. I deserve a time out. Yep....
Sep 24, 2015 | Be Remarkable, Be Remarkable eCourse, Be Remarkable eCourse, Blog, emotional health and wellbeing, Life Coaching, Other, Spiritual Formation
What Does Brave Look Like? Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill Volumes have been written on bravery. On courage. On perseverance. And, yet, I still find it hard to do. To move outside my...