Fresh Start Friday: The Tale of 2 Women, By Strength Alone

Finally, we conclude our time with Hannah and 1 Samuel 1 & 2. Now, I seem to always return to my dear friend, Hannah, (I just know we’ll be sipping tea in heaven, right?) because she has so much to teach me. Layer and layers of rich delicacies of truth....

30 Lessons in 30 Days: Be Authentic

Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. Women and Happiness As I sit here trying to put words on paper, I am listening to a lively discussion on women and happiness. According to this recent...

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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