“Not surprisingly, women are conditioned toward an external locus of control, while men are conditioned toward an internal locus of control. Women are taught to look outside of themselves for solutions. And, I would argue, this is particularly true in faith communities. But focusing only on external resources isn’t healthy. In fact, research in the psychology of religion has show that when you recognize that God is empowering you to take action, it’s good for your mental and spiritual health.
Dr. Alison Cook
Uncover the Hidden You

In her new book, The Best of You: Break Free from Painful Patterns, Mend Your Past, & Discover Your True Self in God, Author, Podcast Host, and Pscyhologist, Dr. Alison Cook, reveals how the hurtful impact of childhood wounds, the negative effects of certain church messages, and the misguided influences of cultural biases keep us from our true self. She invites us to ask tough questions:
- How can I find my God-given voice and begin to express my needs?
- How do I put a stop to painful patterns that keep recurring in my life?
- How do I trust myself to make healthy decisions when I’m in the midst of difficult circumstances?
- How do I stand up for myself and yet still be a loving person?
- How do I deal with a toxic parent, friend, or spouse?
About Dr. Alison Cook

We first met Alison in June 2021, Season 5, Episode 15, “Becoming Stronger Through Setting Boundaries For Your Soul.” Her work informed my heart, mind, and body and I immediately began implementing it both personally and professionally.
I believe one of the most important contributions of this new book is Alison empowering us, as women, to move from the exhaustion of managing perceptions to the joy of true connection with themselves, God, and other people.
She refers to this book as ,”Therapy in a Book,” and I agree.
It is easily digestible and makes real change attainable.
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