A Note from Christmas Day 2013:
A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours! About now, the afternoon gloam is beginning and if you are like me, you are starting to unwind from all the planning, prepping, wrapping, running, cooking, cleaning, and so much more. My family is dropping like flies. One by one they are falling asleep for their cold winter’s nap. Stomachs full. Hearts blessed.
Before you close your eyes for your winter nap, I pray you enjoy this post from a couple of years ago. It blessed me today. May it do the same for you.
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God.”
From the Archives
This morning, a great post on (IN)Courage caught my attention. It asked, “What burns you out? What makes your light dull? Well, it took all of two seconds to figure that one out. I posted my comment, so I thought I’d share this ADVENT MOMENT with you:
“I tend to wear the RESPONSIBLE-FOR-EVERYONE-IN-THE-WORLD button, so I wear MYSELF out. I’ve gone back to some “maintenance” counseling, esp. to prepare for the self-induced holiday madness. Just Saturday, I went to lunch and shopping with my Bible Study Girls and every two seconds someone had their hand out for money. One older woman, who I mistakenly looked in the eye, carrying wilted roses, asked, “Can you give me $1?” It took every ounce of my being to smile and say, “I’m sorry, mam.” Now, I could have given her a dollar, yes, but something told me to resist. The internal cacophony of voices that ensued were fierce. The bottom line: we can’t help everybody. God will tell us who and where and when.
So, the next day, on the way to church, I saw a banner flying over a neighboring beautiful historic church, “Taize Prayer Service” at 6:30 pm. Having read a little about such a service, I exclaimed, “I’m there.” So, all by myself, I went. Talk about restoration. WOW! In the midst of a very busy, draining, burn out season, I sat in a hallowed church, lit by candlelight, and listened to the ethereal voices of a cantor and two vocalists lead us in rhythmic cadences and chants. It was as if I took a very deep spiritual breath. I left feeling completely renewed. For a few moments, I felt as if I was in an entirely different world, reminiscent of Evensong at Westminster Abbey. Hidden in the silence. Wrapped by the loving arms of my Heavenly Father who knows exactly what I need.
Today, our Advent Moment is to be on the lookout for sacred spaces and little respites just like my Taize Prayer Service. It was God’s Christmas gift to me! Here is a taste of the peaceful service. Light a candle and hold your own four-minute Christmas Meditative Moment:
This is how I love to unwind. What do you do? Please share. Learning from one another is a powerful life force!