A Weekend Prayer
Ah! The week’s end.
We’ve done a great deal of “tuning up” this week, so take the weekend to breathe in the beauty that surrounds you.
Have eyes to see and ears to hear.
And as you travel along the way, here’s a weekend prayer just for you:
May God let you taste
the incredible joy of complete union.
Nothing the world can give us—
not possessions, not riches, not delights or honors, not great feasts or festivals—
can match the happiness of a single moment
spent by a soul totally united to God.
Nor can any earthly pain or suffering,
any effort or striving on our part,
earn such a loving touch,
so complete a union,
an experience of love so profound.
We cannot, in face, earn a single hour
of the satisfaction, joy and delight
that God can bring to our soul.
‘All the trials of the world,’ says St. Paul,
‘are not worthy to be compared with the glory for which we hope.’
With St. Augustine, I pray fervently,
‘Give me what you have chosen for me,
and bring about in me what you desire for me.’
Never, with your grace and favor,
will I turn my back on you.”
-Taken from Let Nothing Disturb You, Teresa of Avila