Praying Through Fear
I woke up with a certain anxiety tangling up my insides.
It has everything to do with a certain drive to UVA Medical Center today.
I can be so darn brave for everyone else in the entire world…in fact, it is a huge part of my vocation.
But when it comes to me…I need a little help to face my fears.
This morning, after receiving a short text from someone else facing fear today, I immediately thought of Psalm 91.
Thank you, A Dodson, for creating such ethereal displays that speak to the heart.
I saw this yesterday and it gave me such hope and light.
Click on this lovely illustration of Psalm 91 to read it for yourself.
I need to make this short and sweet today, as I’m leaving in minutes…but wanted to leave you with these powerful words.
May they carry you through your fear today. They may be little or really big. Whatever the case, face it or them and pray your way through.
I’ll be thinking of you as I make my way through my own. We’ve got this.
Subscribe and follow my journey through my own little fears. And, then, please share how you face and pray through your own!