“We pray not to recharge our batteries for the business of getting back to the concerns of daily life, but rather to be transformed by God so that the myths and fictions of our life might fall like broken shackles from our wrists.”
Dr. Chuck DeGroat, Wholeheartedness: Busyness, Exhaustion, and the Divided Life
Learn How to Live a Wholehearted Life
As I sit to finally get this post done, I’m aching from head to toe. Yesterday, I bravely took the second dose of my Pfizer vaccination. I was anxious, to say the least. This entire global pandemic has wreaked havoc on all of us. There has been tension with friends I love dearly. Misunderstandings over the mask or no mask, vaccine or no vaccine, political hoax, or real virus danger? In the middle of all the divisiveness, I have been compelled to learn how to live a wholehearted life.
I lost my 92-year old momma to Covid-19, so it isn’t a hoax to me. It’s deeply personal. A badxxxx woman who kicked death in the face a ton of times, yet succumbed to a “seeming hoax” of a virus.
Yes, I’m angry. I’m sad. I’m grieved. I’m overwhelmed. I’m confused and perplexed and most often, feel mentally and emotionally pulled in a million different directions.
That is one deeply personal reason I wanted to have Dr. Chuck DeGroat on the podcast. I knew I needed to hear his wisdom and had a feeling we all could use some clarity and direction.
During my interview with Dr. Chuck DeGroat, author of Wholeheartedness: Busyness, Exhaustion, and Healing the Divided Self, he candidly spoke:
As I said to a group recently, what’s fascinating to me in moments like these [Covid-19], we’ve become so split, so anxious, so controlling, that we are now divided over mask-wearing, not the Trinity, not the Resurrection, over mask-wearing + vaccinations. This is how far afoot we are from Eden. From connection. From curiosity. And now we are chronically anxious and we’re embracing narratives, whether in our theological or political spheres or whatever it might be, that are narratives of control and self-protection, rather than to see relationship compassion. This is really dangerous.
Today’s Heartlift with Janell Podcast, Season 4, “Becoming Stronger and Wholehearted”
Dr. DeGroat’s book, Wholeheartedness, is one I return to over and over again. AND, it is on Kindle right now for $1.99. Most of my book is highlighted and there are notes in the margins that reflect my own journey from living a divided life to wholeheartedness.
As you listen, enjoy the SHOW NOTES.
And, if you are visual, like myself, enjoy the unedited YouTube video.
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