Jul 8, 2015 | Be Remarkable, Be Remarkable eCourse, Be Remarkable Webinar, Community, Conversation, Life Coaching, Other, Spiritual Formation
Unfortunately, our life may look like a formless tangle of limbs and branches than a precisely pruned tree. We struggle to determine which limbs and branches are essential and which are superfluous; which bear fruit and which merely use nourishment. With a...
Jun 30, 2015 | Be Remarkable, Faith, Identity, Life Coaching, Other, Parenting
Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” ― Steve Jobs I am Impressed with Myself. Celebrate your successes. Click To Tweet...
Jun 25, 2015 | Be Remarkable, Bible Study, Community, Conversation, Love 365, Other
A hospital bed in the living room. I stood at her front door, knees knocking and fear swirling in my stomach. Lord, please help me. I want to be a blessing, but I am so scared. As the nurse opened the door to my friend’s home, I saw it. A hospital bed in the...