Jun 19, 2014 | Conversation, Empty Nest, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Marriage and Family, Other, Parenting, Practicing Love, Strength for Hard Times
From the Archives, June 19, 2014 As I write this from the future…having already lived through this blog, I see how I worried for nothing. God took care of things, as He always does. All my worrying did absolutely nothing but rob me of my joy. Here I am all these...
Jun 1, 2014 | Conversation, Empty Nest, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Marriage and Family, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
“A tree that allows birds to nest in it should never complain about its shred leaves.” ― Vikrant Parsai A New Nest! The doorbell rings. “Hey, can you move the wreath?” my husband asked. He was preparing to power wash the front porch and didn’t want...
May 28, 2014 | Blog, Empty Nest, Marriage and Family, Parenting
Revisiting the Archives (August 2008) Today. What a great word that simply means, “On or in the course of this present day.” On or in the course of this present day, I’m looking back in order to move forward. This is why I am so passionate about the...
May 27, 2014 | Conversation, Empty Nest, Faith, Life Coaching, Marriage and Family, Other, Parenting, Prayer, Vision
Empty, Empty Nest…again. No one warned me. In 2004 and 2008, I experienced the deep angst of letting go of my little chicks. One by one they flew the coop. Time was kind. I began finding new feathers for my nest. And, if I am completely honest (which I always...
Apr 15, 2014 | Community, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Marriage and Family, Vision
It’s Tuesday of Holy Week. A time to once again slow things down and remember our commitment to reflecting on this very special week on the Christian calendar. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been privileged to walk alongside some very special people...
Apr 14, 2014 | Community, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Marriage and Family, Practicing Love, Prayer, The Afternoon Knows
Spring Awakening This is the miraculous time of the year when nature reflects the awesome power of Christ’s resurrection. Everywhere you look, little green buds are pushing their way through the bark of plants that actually look as though they could be dead....