Develop Conversational Intelligence

Develop Conversational Intelligence

“I read an article recently on how anxiety, fear, and stress impact the brain. The amygdala, an almond-shaped section of the brain, is responsible for a chemical response when negative feelings occur. A simple way to combat these uncomfortable feelings such as...
3 Ways to Unclutter Your Soul

3 Ways to Unclutter Your Soul

Identifying our soul clutter is not anything to be ashamed of. Before we can progress in uncluttering, we must first pay atttention to the pain and identify the problem. Paying attention can be a slow process easily discounted by impatience.”Trina McNeilly,...
Reimagining Our What-If Questions

Reimagining Our What-If Questions

“There are many faces of self-preservation when life feels unsafe–behaviors we use as a shield to protect ourselves from pain. You might blame someone else, thinking of all the ways the other person could be different so that you might feel okay. You could...
Reimagining Miracles

Reimagining Miracles

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.” Pope John Paul II Reimagining Miracles The first time we met Becky Murray, we fell in love with both her and her mission on this planet. A modern-day matriarch of her own son...
Reimagining the Mind-Body Connection

Reimagining the Mind-Body Connection

Emotion regulation involves a coherent relationship with the self, specifically effective communication between body, mind, and feelings. Effective emotion regulation involves the ability to accurately detect and evaluate cues related to physiological reactions to...
Reimagining Your Love Life

Reimagining Your Love Life

More than 80% of married men and women report dealing with some form of sexual struggle in the marriage.”Married Sex, Gary Thomas and Debra Fileta Reimagining Your Love Life Yes, Heartlifters, we’re talking about sex on this week’s podcast. Years...

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