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Freeing Our True Self

Freeing Our True Self

The pressures of life, the pain in our past, and the stress perspective we choose all swirl around us, and even more so within us. There’s not a woman who can honestly say that she’s unaffected by it all. And because of the storm, we react–if not...

Spiritual Unity, Part I

Since last November, when I was privileged to travel and speak twice in Thailand, my heart has been stirred about one thing: spiritual unity. Through a series of very fortunate events, I was compelled to begin working on a book project on this very subject. While...
52 Weeks, 52 Changes: Take the step and put it away.

52 Weeks, 52 Changes: Take the step and put it away.

Facing the truth about ourselves is a threatening and tough assignment. It’s far easier to live in denial and just go with life as it is. But the first step to knowing which path of life to take is to look honestly at ourselves and at what brought us to where we...
From Grief to Gratitude

From Grief to Gratitude

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton A Sympathy Card I Would Send Myself I needed to find a FED EX drop off site, so I was...
I Believe in God.

I Believe in God.

What Do I Believe, Anyway? After a late Sunday evening of pummeling rain and wind here on the East Coast, we woke up this Monday morning to sunshine. Thank you, rain showers, for washing away the pollen! A few weeks ago, during an interview, my soul felt as pummeled...

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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