Let Your Heart Speak

Let Your Heart Speak

True self, when violated, will always resist us, sometimes at great cost, holding our lives in check until we honor its truth. Parker J. Palmer Let Your Heart Speak What Does It Mean To Let Your Heart Speak? Learning to Honor Our Truth Ask: Am I skimping on my inner...
Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads

Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads

There are some voices that do not simply drift through; they are more deeply ingrained. So much so that we make the mistake of thinking that the voices and thoughts are, in fact, us. But, as we were reminded from classic spirituality, we are not our thoughts, we have...
Uncover the Hidden You

Uncover the Hidden You

“Not surprisingly, women are conditioned toward an external locus of control, while men are conditioned toward an internal locus of control. Women are taught to look outside of themselves for solutions. And, I would argue, this is particularly true in faith...
3 Reasons Marriage Counseling Fails

3 Reasons Marriage Counseling Fails

There is no need to minimize problems. Suffering alone or in silence is a choice you make. It’s really true that in one way or another, we do all need help. But first, we must start with the premise that we’re all under-trained and ill-prepared, feel...
3 Practices that Help Us Find Peace

3 Practices that Help Us Find Peace

“None of us sign some supernatural contract for our dream life, but most of us have some vision for the kind of life we want to live. What I felt that night was not only sadness, but anger–and underneath that, disappointment at how my life was unfolding. I...
Develop Conversational Intelligence

Develop Conversational Intelligence

“I read an article recently on how anxiety, fear, and stress impact the brain. The amygdala, an almond-shaped section of the brain, is responsible for a chemical response when negative feelings occur. A simple way to combat these uncomfortable feelings such as...

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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