The Power of a Daily Examen

The Power of a Daily Examen

The fruit of the regular practice of the Examen—or more broadly, the life of regular, cumulative, formative reflection—is living with greater attentiveness, greater readiness, even greater anticipation of God’s...
Becoming Stronger by Practicing Yoga + Meditation

Becoming Stronger by Practicing Yoga + Meditation

“Yoga and I reconnected again a few years later, this time over being heart broken by disappointment and a deep feeling of failure when the career path I’d chosen was making me miserable. I faithfully went to church, read all the books, and filled journals with my...
Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life

Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”― Mary Oliver Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life From the moment I clicked on my video and met Erica Wiggenhorn, pre-taping of our podcast...
Learn How to Live a Wholehearted Life

Learn How to Live a Wholehearted Life

“We pray not to recharge our batteries for the business of getting back to the concerns of daily life, but rather to be transformed by God so that the myths and fictions of our life might fall like broken shackles from our wrists.” Dr. Chuck DeGroat, Wholeheartedness:...
No Hint of Shame

No Hint of Shame

“Not surprisingly, therefore, our patterns of attachment deeply influence the way we experience our relationship with God. For he has to deal with the same brain that we do; he engages the same proclivities we have for avoiding or being anxious about the intimacy of...

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