The Mattering Effect

The Mattering Effect

Mattering consists of feeling valued and adding value, to ourselves and others. By feeling valued, we mean being appreciated, respected, and recognized. By adding value, we mean making a contribution and making a difference in the world. The mattering effect refers to...
The Elusive Power of Perception

The Elusive Power of Perception

Perception defined, “The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.”While our sensory receptors are constantly collecting information from the environment, it is ultimately how we interpret that information that affects how we...
Get the Love of God in Your Bones

Get the Love of God in Your Bones

“Love without truth lies.Truth without love kills.” Chris Rice, From Pandemic to Renewal Listen to Our Conversations Get the Love of God in Your Bones This week’s podcast prompts: Here you go: What thoughts come to mind when you hear: “Love...
Everything Comes Down to Love

Everything Comes Down to Love

“Everything comes down to love.” Arthur C. Brooks, From Strength to Strength Listen to Our Conversations Everything Comes Down to Love This week’s podcast prompts: Here you go: What God whispers have you heard this week? What does “finding...
Finding Purpose in the Unknown & Unexpected Seasons of Life

Finding Purpose in the Unknown & Unexpected Seasons of Life

Grace has been living a life of gratitude for as long as she can remember. From fleeing the tyrannical reign of Idi Amin in Uganda with her parents while she was 18 months old to finding the man of her dreams at 42! Gratitude has been the fuel behind her success....
The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith

The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith

Humans are story-shaped creatures. Jennifer L. Holberg, Nourishing Narratives Listen to Our Conversations The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith We live in a world saturated with narratives. From the books we read to the movies we watch, from the stories we hear to the...

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