Aug 23, 2014 | Conversation, Life Coaching, Other, Practicing Love, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
A Blue Mind Ambassador Wanna Be! How have I not heard of Wallace J. Nichols, PhD? I love his new book and his new initiative: 100 Days of Blue. This is one morning I am grateful I turned on the TV. CBS News ran his story and blew my mind. I’ve been...
Aug 19, 2014 | Achalasia, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, Prayer
When Solitude and Speed Collide This morning as I sat in the waiting room of my doctor, I felt two worlds collide: the world of solitude I just left (OBX) and the world of speed in which I live. As you know, I really didn’t want to leave the covering of my...
Aug 15, 2014 | Empty Nest, Faith, Life Coaching, Love 365, Marriage and Family, Other, Parenting, Practicing Love, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
The Art of Letting Go It’s that time of year. Every time it rolls around, my heart remembers and I start praying. Help each and every parent I know, God, to master the art of letting go. Even as I sat under my beloved beach umbrella (yes, I sat there quite a...
Aug 13, 2014 | Empty Nest, Faith, Life Coaching, Love 365, Marriage and Family, Other, Practicing Love
*Please note this post is longer than “ought to be,” so I ask you to bear with me. The Way of Love Never in a million, trillion years would I have thought Gift from the Sea was filled to the brim with marital advice. As I sat under my beloved beach...
Aug 10, 2014 | Life Coaching, Love 365, Other, Practicing Love, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, Trust in God
Part Two: Love Others as You Love Yourself I am madly in love. Yes, with my husband of thirty years + my three adult children, but I am also madly in love with the wind + waves of the Atlantic Ocean, more specifically, the Outer Banks of NC. I know I keep talking...
Jul 31, 2014 | Other, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Identity, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, Prayer, The Waiting Room, Vision, Waiting
A Gift from the Sea: A More Peaceful Tempo In the 50th anniversary edition of Gift from the Sea, Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of author Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writes: “At whatever point one opens Gift from the Sea, to any chapter or any page, the author’s...