Dec 18, 2014 | Bible Study, Conversation, Faith, Marriage and Family, Other, Practicing Love, The 12 Practices
Enjoy today’s walk through the archives of Christmas 2014 Be kinder than you feel. The Practice of Kindness Nothing challenges me more than waking up with “practicing kindness” on my heart. I used to tell my children, on a regular basis, that the...
Dec 17, 2014 | Conversation, Devotions, Faith, Marriage and Family, Motherhood, Parenting, Practicing Love, The 12 Practices
(For even more on this short study on practicing discretion, subscribe to my E-Newsletter.) The Practice of Discretion Isn’t discretion a little outdated, you might ask? One would think. In a social network driven society, where you can say whatever you please,...
Nov 22, 2014 | Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Practicing Love, Prayer, The Afternoon Knows, Vision
Give me time and I’ll give you a revolution.” -Alexander McQueen, Designer Me Time. Sometimes the afternoon really does know what the morning never thought of. It all started by sitting in church. As I scanned the bulletin, a simple announcement...
Sep 25, 2014 | Bible Study, Community, Conversation, Faith, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, The Waiting Room, Waiting
#One Sentence I can’t help myself today. I woke up with grand intentions to organize and schedule and write in the morning, because the afternoon is for seeing clients. I’m making progress, thankfully, yet get sidetracked by a few really great sentences....
Sep 19, 2014 | Community, Conversation, Faith, Life Coaching, Other, Practicing Love
Helping Others If you’ve ever been to my home, you know how I love to light candles. The flicker of a single flame creates a sense of calm that I find ever so inviting. From the moment it is lit, my breathing slows, my heart remembers to rest, and the soft glow...
Sep 1, 2014 | Faith, Love 365, Other, Practicing Love, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times
“With respect to love we speak continually about perfection and the perfect person. With respect to love Christianity also speaks continually about perfection and the perfect person. Alas, but we men talk about finding the perfect person in order to love him....