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Dear Monday

Modern-day Monday For so long, Monday has gotten a bad rap. Who really wants the weekend to be over? Monday used to mean back to school, back to work, back to the hubbub of the week. But, the Internet has changed all of that, hasn’t it? I teach online. I work...

The Biggest Risk is the Unknown

When my heart is overwhelmed, I have to turn to God. His word becomes a sanctuary for my troubled soul. As I watch the news this Tuesday morning, I stare in disbelief that Suffolk, Virginia is the lead story. Who in the world could have imagined this type of tornadic...

Lord Have Mercy

 Lord have mercy on China. Lord have mercy on our brothers and sisters in China, Myanmar, Chile, the Midwest and the East Coast (which has been ravaged by tornados). As news reports flood my mind with devastating photos and videos, dire need and faces painted with...

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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