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Two Fathers, Two Daughters

-An excerpt from Janell’s new book, “Rock-solid Families: Transform an Ordinary Home into a Fortress of Faith” Bible Reading: Luke 9:23-25 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For...
The Pressure to be Perfect

The Pressure to be Perfect

Welcome to Thankful Thursday’s with Janell & Friends! I met the lovely and powerful Daphne Delay “online” several years ago. We were part of a great group called, “Speaker Chicks,” led by Master Mentor, Kathi Lipp. A year or so later,...
The Power of a Summer Reset

The Power of a Summer Reset

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.”Richie Norton I’m flying solo on this podcast episode, “The Power of a Summer Reset.” And I am filled to the overflow with gratitude for Seasons 4 & 5. Never in a million years did I think so many great...

Top Ten of 2010: #2 Walking across the threshold of my fear.

-From my He(Art) Journal, January 21, 2010 “Just returned from meeting with Larry, event planner, at the Hilton. Took the step and walked across the threshold of my fear. Rob and I worked on the mission statement last night for ‘The Gathering: Women...

Fill out the info below, and I'll send you a link to download the PDF interactive guide, "Why Am I So Angry?" I believe that if you put in the hard work + intentional application of these principles + spiritual fortitude into this healing practice, you will move into a far more meaningful life.

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