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Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life

Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”― Mary Oliver Find Hope in the Unexplainable Times of Life From the moment I clicked on my video and met Erica Wiggenhorn, pre-taping of our podcast...

Go Through it Tuesday: Falling Apart at the Seams.

“If someone is coming apart at the seams, they are feeling extremely upset and have difficulty continuing to do the things they usually do.” -Idiom Dictionary Thank the Lord for fresh starts. Who among us hasn’t needed one? Today I begin a new and...
Lent Strips the Self Bare

Lent Strips the Self Bare

-Taken from the Archives, Lenten Thoughts from 2012. My Lenten Haiku: Lent strips the self bare A slow steady pace forward Fresh starts and clean slates I woke up yesterday morning before dawn. Primarily because my husband had to be at work very early. Usually, his...
3 Ways to Unclutter Your Soul

3 Ways to Unclutter Your Soul

Identifying our soul clutter is not anything to be ashamed of. Before we can progress in uncluttering, we must first pay atttention to the pain and identify the problem. Paying attention can be a slow process easily discounted by impatience.”Trina McNeilly,...

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