Mar 20, 2015 | Community, Conversation, Love 365, Practicing Love
Share Some Happy! Today is International Happiness Day. Until I heard it on Good Morning America, I had no idea it even existed. Be sure to check out the incredible website dedicated to all things happy! Here in Virginia, it’s a blustery, drizzly,...
Feb 17, 2015 | Community, Conversation, HaveEyestoSee, Love 365, Practicing Love, Writing
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without...
Feb 4, 2015 | Achalasia, Community, Faith, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, Trust in God
With Barbara’s permission, I snapped a hospital selfie. Couldn’t resist the high fashion hospital gown look. C’mon…we’re rocking the look, right? Sometimes we all need a push. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like...
Sep 25, 2014 | Bible Study, Community, Conversation, Faith, Life Coaching, Practicing Love, The Waiting Room, Waiting
#One Sentence I can’t help myself today. I woke up with grand intentions to organize and schedule and write in the morning, because the afternoon is for seeing clients. I’m making progress, thankfully, yet get sidetracked by a few really great sentences....
Sep 19, 2014 | Community, Conversation, Faith, Life Coaching, Other, Practicing Love
Helping Others If you’ve ever been to my home, you know how I love to light candles. The flicker of a single flame creates a sense of calm that I find ever so inviting. From the moment it is lit, my breathing slows, my heart remembers to rest, and the soft glow...
Jul 10, 2014 | Achalasia, Community, Conversation, Faith, HaveEyestoSee, Life Coaching, Other, Practicing Love, Prayer, Strength for Hard Times, Trust in God
‘Why do you pray?’ he asked. ‘Why do I pray? Well, why did I live? Why did I breathe?’ Every question possessed a power that was lost in the answer… ‘Man comes close to God through the questions he asks Him,’ he liked...