May 5, 2016 | Other, Blog, emotional health and wellbeing, Motherhood, Parenting
Meet the Remarkable Lea Turner, Mom, Writer, Blogger I met Lea years ago. Her quiet demeanor and warm, wise eyes indicative of remarkability. I remember Lea sharing her dreams of serving God through her gift of writing. She and her family moved to Alabama and we lost...
Apr 12, 2016 | Be Remarkable, Blog, Conversation, Other
Meet the Remarkable Laura Robb, Writer and Blogger I’ve known Laura for years, but this past year I have had the privilege of getting to know her more. Every time I am in her presence, I feel so richly blessed. To be honest, she astounds me. Leaves me inspired...
Mar 5, 2016 | Other, Conversation, emotional health and wellbeing, Practicing Love, Spiritual Formation
“But therein lies the paradox: Speaking out and being ‘real’ are not necessarily virtues. Sometimes voicing our thoughts and feelings shuts down the lines of communication, diminishes or shames another person, or makes it less likely that two people can...
Feb 19, 2016 | Achalasia, Be Remarkable eCourse, Bible Study, Blog, emotional health and wellbeing, Faith, Other, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Strength for Hard Times
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” -Ernest Hemingway What do Hemingway, Pythagoras, and Paul Have in Common? Ernest Hemingway gets the credit for one of my new favorite quotes, ““The world breaks everyone, and...
Jan 28, 2016 | Other, Be Remarkable eCourse, Bible Study, Blog, Conversation, Spiritual Formation, Strength for Hard Times, The 12 Practices
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck Bewildered by the Beloved Siblings, Joy and Sorrow I can’t stop thinking about our conversation last week: Why We Need Winter’s Wisdom. Maybe it is the...